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BYB Academy – Vietnamese Modeling Agency

BYB Academy is a modeling agency and a subsidiary company of International Communication Viet Nam JSC. (INCOM Viet Nam) which has a long history of providing model services/supplying model chains in Viet Nam.

Despite the headquarter being located in Hanoi, we provide services not only in the capital but also throughout all cities in Viet Nam, such as Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, Khanh Hoa, et cetera.

Not limiting within the border of Viet Nam, we have continuously expanded our market on a global scale. You will easily see our model agents in numerous marketing campaigns for our international partners in Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia, and so on.

The following are our service categories:

1. Provide model services in Viet Nam:

We have a diverse range of models in ages, sizes, genders, abilities, and styles that will definitely satisfy the demand of clients coming from different places with different purposes. One of the typical model services that we provide is booking models for fashion shows, fashion photography, commercial videos, and so forth.


2. Provide professional fashion photoshoot crews in Viet Nam

Some clients come to Viet Nam without their team, thus, BYB Academy can arrange the whole professional crew for a fashion photoshoot including photographers, stylists, models, makeup and hair artists, videographers, and set decorators to make clients’ works go on well and smoothly.

3. Cooperate to organize cultural or fashion events in Viet Nam

Our company frequently cooperates with clients to organize cultural or fashion events such as fashion shows, fashion festivals, or beauty pageants. By level of difficulty from 1 (very easy) to 10 (extremely hard), supplying model chains for fashion shows like grand openings, and product launch events must be a 5 or 6 (=normal) for us because our clients often book the agency to do so. Besides, this job is also one of the most profitable services that we provide.

Apart from booking models for fashion events, organizing fashion festivals or fashion-related events is a much more challenging and difficult job that not all modeling agencies have the capability to do. But BYB Academy is able to handle such events to reach international standards.

For example, the client wants to advertise a hard-to-promote product such as real estate, and creating a fashion festival is the easiest way to draw media and potential customers’ attention. So, our company will consult with the client on the A-to-Z plan and cooperate to organize the events from booking models, recruiting professional crews, finding places to contacting fashion houses and fashion designers, presses, guests, and so on.

Face of Viet Nam, the contest was held by BYB Academy to find a Vietnamese representative at Face of Asia in South Korea.

And sometimes, to promote clients’ marketing campaigns, we also run small or large beauty contests. On a scale of difficulty levels, this job deserves to be 10 (extremely hard) due to the complexity in practice and legal requirements. The fact is that BYB Academy is one of a few companies in Viet Nam can afford such services.

4. Accompany Vietnamese models to participate in international competitions

 One of BYB Academy’s services that our international partners often choose is to accompany Vietnamese models (whichever genders) to participate in international competitions. Most of our regular customers come from Asian region countries such as South Korea, Thailand, and Malaysia.

 It is very difficult for foreigners and international companies to find trustworthy partners in Viet Nam that can provide numerous potential contestants or set up national rounds for their competitions. If you are in that such situation, you can connect to us via the below information.

If you find a long-standing, prestigious, legally transparent modeling agency to cooperate with, BYB Academy will be the right destination.


Contact us:

Add:84 Mai Hac De str - Ha Noi city 

Facebook page (for rapid responses):BYB Academy

Mobile phone: 0359911155 - 0943441173 (Vietnamese numbers) 

Email: Byb.incom@gmail.com

Senior manager’s Facebook page: Ms Thanh Huyen

Looking forward to cooperating with you!

Thông tin liên hệ

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các hoạt động mà Incom Việt Nam đã thực hiện
Các hoạt động và sự kiện Incom Việt Nam đã tổ chức có ở đây, bạn tham khảo nhé.
Câu hỏi thường gặp

Incom Việt Nam là công ty truyền thông chủ yếu hoạt động trong thị trường thời trang và cung cấp diễn viên cho các MV, TVC, viral videos...

BYB là trung tâm trực thuộc công ty truyền thông Incom với mục đích tạo nguồn cho các chương trình thời trang & và sự kiện do Incom thực hiện cũng như của các đối tác của công ty

Sau khi tốt nghiệp, các học viên có thể cơ hội trở thành người mẫu thời trang, người mẫu catwalk hoặc diễn viên cho các film ngắn, film quảng cáo doanh nghiệp

Với tất cả các khóa học, học viên có thể học thử 01 buổi kĩ năng cũng như nghe tư vấn của các chuyên gia.


* Thắc mắc của bạn sẽ được phản hồi trong 24h. Xin cảm ơn!